What was the greatest decision I have ever made? It's been seven years when i joined the organization. I never regret becoming an SMPian for I became who I am now because of this group.
Let me reminisce and share with you some of the most important milestones and turning points of being SMPian. I was just a young and idealistic college boy when i first entered the threshold of the university. i was a typical student with the daily routine from home going to school vice versa, in short "ordinaryong estudyante".
The whole thing changed when I have decided to join SMP. I can say that, the organization influenced me a lot. But not all are good influenced.....hehehe.
I became closer to my batch mates or shall i say "may family extension". We're always on a gimick every weekend, going to Samal, Eden Toril (Jenkin's Farm), and a lot more.
The SMP gave me the opportunity to become leader in my unique and humble way (charing!!!) when I was elected VP Internal Affairs in February of 2002. Never in my history of existence prior from being an SMPian that i was elected to the key position, so all was history.Some Smpians hated me for their are times when I became blunt and blatant especially in collecting fines / penalty of not wearing SMP shirt every Wednesday and other untoward circumstances. hehehe. But still, we managed the affairs and activities of the organization.
In September of 2002, my batchmates April and Gershwin got married in a solemn ceremony. The whole batch was so excited, since our batch comprises the Execom at that time, so we all attended the wedding. We were requested by Gershwin to wear our Execom polo shirt. Tatay Brucal, Sir Pete Laviña and Kuya (Vice Mayor.) Orly Amit were among the principal sponsors. The following year we were caught by surprise when another couple from our batch got married. Jean and Jenkins got married in April of 2003, Truly the saying " WALAY PINUGSANAY APAN WALAY BALIBARAY" indeed take its course and became a reality onceagain. In October of the same year their first child JENKINS NIKOLAI A. DOLOR was borned. Guy, Jag, Greta, Rey, Marie and yours truly we're among the GODPARENTS.
Until all the members of Batch (July) 2001, my beloved batch graduated. So everything is history. But still the memories lingers on and keep reminding us to be in service to the organization whenever we were called for whatever reasons and circumstances may it be. “Walay Pinugsanay Apan Walay Balibaray”. Kudos!
A man who claims a right which is not his, is a tyrant. A man who has a right but does not know it, can be easily taken advantage of. A man who knows he has a right but does not exercise it, is a fence sitter who lacks civic consciousness. A man does not have a right but grabs and make use of it, is a despot
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Memories of Smpian (Part I)
Posted by
Lex Libertarian
8/05/2008 01:12:00 AM
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