The Walt Disney Company is one of the most well known examples of a company succeeding in large measure by applying the principles of customer advocacy and "service recovery"—principles that have become an integral part of Disney’s operations.
Prior to starting his own company, Integrated Loyalty Systems, Jake Poore spent close to 20 years in customer service working on service recovery for the Walt Disney Company in Orlando and Paris entertaining 25-35 million people a year.
According to Jake, "everyone makes mistakes, that's human. But how do you solicit those mistakes and rectify them so that the story is now possibly better than if there were no mistake at all?"
He goes on to explain that "uneventful does not create loyalty, and does not drive return visits or intent to refer new business…. So, how do you find your mistakes?"
Perhaps the worst outcome of all is a situation where mistakes aren't noticed and customers who experience poor service simply walk away without complaining and with no intention to return.
Jake points out that almost 70% of unhappy customers who decide to leave your business don't write letters of complaint. Finding and/or soliciting complaints by being proactive is the key—according to Poore, it's an art.
Finding customers who have complaints (legitimate or exaggerated) provides the best opportunity to fix the problem, retain loyalty and maintain satisfaction. Positive stories about bad experiences are just as important, and occasionally far more important, than positive stories about good experiences—the latter are expected while the former are impressive, more memorable and more likely to get repeated.
"If your customer goes home mad," Jake explains, "it is not only too late, but they will tell many people THEIR STORY." But if you can catch them and correct the error, "now they’re possibly telling YOUR STORY!"
Jake Poore was so successful at customer service while at Disney he went on to start his own company and is now President and Founder of Integrated Loyalty Systems, a consulting firm specializing in service development, process improvement, leadership training and service excellence.
*Source of Jake Poore Quotes
A man who claims a right which is not his, is a tyrant. A man who has a right but does not know it, can be easily taken advantage of. A man who knows he has a right but does not exercise it, is a fence sitter who lacks civic consciousness. A man does not have a right but grabs and make use of it, is a despot
Friday, November 28, 2008
Customer Service and the Walt Disney Company (Case Study)
Posted by
Lex Libertarian
11/28/2008 11:22:00 PM
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After reading this blog I have identified and found that the main subject of this topic is an employee named Jake Poore who spent 20 years working for Walt Disney, specializing in Customer Service. In his studies he had concluded that customers who experience poor service just walk away without complaining, as a fellow customer myself his idea seems true as I would probably do the same if their service isn't satisfactory. His point exactly is having an aggressive stand in trying to find these dissatisfied customers and try to correct their errors so that no further rumors spread, leading to more loyal customers who keep on coming back to your business. In the end, he got his own company probably because he was successful in his job at Walt Disney.
As what the blog have said i can say that the main topic of it is the employee named Jake Poore who spent 20 years working for Walt Disney in Customer Service Department. this man concluded that everyone makes mistakes. The worst outcome of all is a situation where mistakes aren't noticed and customers who experience poor service simply walk away without complaining and with no intention to return. Finding customers who have complaints provides the best opportunity to fix the problem, retain loyalty and maintain satisfaction.
I about Jake Poore principles that have become an integral part of Disney's operations. According to Jake "everyone make mistakes, that's human. But how do yuo solicit those mistakes and rectify them so that the story is now possibly better than if there were no mistake at all". Perhaps the worst outcome of all is a situation where mistakes aren't noticed and customers who experience poor service simply walk away without complaining and with no intention to return. Finding customer who have complaints provides the best oportunity to fix the problem, retain loyalty and maintain satisfaction. Positive stories about bad experiences are just as important, and occassionally far more important, than positive stories about good experience- the latter are expected while the former ar impressive, more memorable and more likely to get repeated. If the customers goes home mad, itis not only too late, but they will tell many people their story. But if you can catch them correct the error, now they're possibly telling Your Story. Thats become Jake Poore a successful at customer service. He is now President and Founder of Integrated Joyalty Systems, a consulting firm specializing in service development, process improvement, leadership and service excellence.
What I understand in the Article about the “Walt Disney Company” is about Customer
Principles and Services Recovery. According to Jake Poore he is almost 20 yrs. In Customer Services in Walt Disney he said that “everyone makes mistakes, that’s human”
In that case we can refer that “The Customer is always Right” even thought the Customer is the key of the business. He found out and points out that 70% of Customer are unhappy and decide to leave and when the Customer goes home mad they probably tell the story what happened to his/her, but this situation can avoid if those customer give and fulfill their needs and satisfaction. Jake Poore starts his own business and he is the President, Founder of Integrated Loyalty System, for leadership training and Excellence Services.
We should treat our Customer as a boss; because of theme we have a business and different aspects. We give the Satisfaction, Good Customer Services and their basics need, so that we cant loose them!
My point of view on the article is that Jake Poore is trying to implify that in a company, costumer service is the key to its success. A good service will least assure a satisfied costumers and more costumers returning back to the company to avail it's service again. But the main topic of the blog is about how to deliver properly a good service.For 20 years of working in the company.He noticed that 70% of the unsatisfied costumers doesn't really complain to the management of the company. They'll just tell how unsatisfied they are to there friends and relatives. And this is minus points to the reputation and credibility of the company.
My point of view on the article is that Jake Poore is trying to implify that in a company, costumer service is the key to its success. A good service will least assure a satisfied costumers and more costumers returning back to the company to avail it's service again. But the main topic of the blog is about how to deliver properly a good service.For 20 years of working in the company.He noticed that 70% of the unsatisfied costumers doesn't really complain to the management of the company. They'll just tell how unsatisfied they are to there friends and relatives. And this is minus points to the reputation and credibility of the company.
Also remember the golden rule "COSTUMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT" Dont argue with the costumer.Just give what she wants as long as it does'nt affect you.But as what the article wants us to show.we can't please every costumer.We also commit mistakes.But what is important is that we should cope up with our mistakes to the costumer.If you can ask him/her if she's satisfied of your service ask him/her then.In that way you may know what are your mistakes and learn from it so that you can develop and improve your skills in handling your costumer.If you can follow these advices then there is a great chance that your company will grow and be successful someday.
Lesson learned from this article:
Give your customers the best customer service you can afford and turn them into loyal customers. Loyal customers can bring in considerable earnings to your company.
After reading the article about the Costumer service and the Walt Disney Company. I realize that an every costumer is very important in a business. Jake Poore explained it well in that article that costumer's complained is important in a business so that they could make changes in their services offered. And also they could have a successful business. For me Jake Poore is a good example of an employee in a company. Because he gives his loyalty in the Walt Disney Company. He gives all his best and honesty and the company. As I observed to Mr. Jake Poore, he worked for more than 20years in costumer service in the Walt Disney Company. I think he was conducting an observations on a costumer's participation or reaction upon entering to the said company by working in the Walt Disney Company. An applied it to his company. In the use of his company many employee now could conduct a training for an improvement leadership to have a good services in a costumer. And the Walt Disney Company is a good example in all the companies in the world. Because they have an excellent and good services for all their costumers.
We are all a customer and also a worker and as a customer we would like to gain our satisfaction and expectation to the company, also in working we need to give our best to give our customer good services. In this blog tell about the story of an employee named Jake Poore and he work almost 20 years in Walt Disney Company, entertaining 25-35 million people a year. Jake Poore was so successful at customer service while at Disney he went on to start his own company and is now President and Founder of Integrated Loyalty Systems, a consulting firm specializing in service development, process improvement, leadership training and service excellence.
jake notice that the worst outcome of all is a situation where mistakes aren't noticed and customers who experience poor service simply walk away without complaining and with no intention to return. If we let that situation all the business is nothing because in the business word the customer is one of the most important person to be consider, so that we need to give them a good services and satisfaction.
If the customer give there complaints always provide the best solution for that, and always remember that the success of the business show how is the good services they offered to the customer.
After reading this blog I read that it was about an business man who is Jake Poore. I agree to him of what he do or what he believe before building her own business.he is a good business man that was my expectation of Jake Poore because of what he do first before he build her own business. If I am Jake Poore also I do what he does before I build my own business.But their is one thing I didn't read in the case study that is the process or solution of the problems that he identified after he study the problems.
The article is all about Jake Poore and his experience in working in Walt Disney,it is all about the company reaction on how to make their costumer what really feels about their what Jake said 70% of the peo
ple who visited the company not all happy,in short it is possible that many of them have may complain but because of their fear they did not tell their feelings about the company,Jake Poore is so very good worker he really feels the attitudes of the people,because of that Jake Poore was so successful person and he have his own company.
The article is all about Jake Poore and his experience in working in Walt Disney,it is all about the company reaction on how to make their costumer what really feels about their what Jake said 70% of the peo
ple who visited the company not all happy,in short it is possible that many of them have may complain but because of their fear they did not tell their feelings about the company,Jake Poore is so very good worker he really feels the attitudes of the people,because of that Jake Poore was so successful person and he have his own company.
After I read the "Customer Service and the Walt Disney Company(Case Study)",I found that "Walt Disney Company" is one of the most well known examples of a company succeeding in large measure by applying the principles of customer advocacy and "service recovery"—principles that have become an integral part of Disney’s operations.Jake Poore,20 years in customer service working on service recovery for the Walt Disney Company said that "everyone makes mistakes, that's human. But how do you solicit those mistakes and rectify them so that the story is now possibly better than if there were no mistake at all?" I agree of what Jake Poore said,we're just human,we can do mistake at all....In term of customer service,customer is always right even if they wrong cause in a business we need a customer at all. Perhaps the worst outcome of all is a situation where mistakes aren't noticed and customers who experience poor service simply walk away without complaining and with no intention to return.So that,treat customer as boss......
After reading this Article about Walt Disney Company. We all know that Walt Disney Company is one of the most well known company and also one of the examples of a company succeeding in large measure by applying the principles of customer advacacy and "service recovery". In that principles they have become an integral part of Disney's operation. I found out that Jake Poore spent close 20 years in customer service recovery for the Walt Disney company in Orlando and Paris entertaining 25-35 million people a year. According to Mr. Poore "Everyone makes a mistakes, that human". So how can we find out those mistakes? In his studies he had stated that customer who experience poor service simly walk out without complaining and with no intention to return. Jake points out that almost 70% of unhappy customer who decide to leave your business without writting a letter of complaints. Finding and/or soliciting complaints by being proactive is the key - according to him, its an art. Finding customers who have complaints provides the best opportunity to fix the problem, retain loyalty and maitain satisfaction. In the end Jake Poore was so successful at customer service while at Disney he went on to start his own company and he is now the President and founder of Integrated Loyalty System, a consulting firm specializing in service development, process improvement, leadership training and service excellence.
After I read the "Customer Service and the Walt Disney Company(Case Study)",I found that "Walt Disney Company" is one of the most well known examples of a company succeeding in large measure by applying the principles of customer advocacy and "service recovery"—principles that have become an integral part of Disney’s operations.Jake Poore,20 years in customer service working on service recovery for the Walt Disney Company said that "everyone makes mistakes, that's human. But how do you solicit those mistakes and rectify them so that the story is now possibly better than if there were no mistake at all?" I agree of what Jake Poore said,we're just human,we can do mistake at all....In term of customer service,customer is always right even if they wrong cause in a business we need a customer at all. Perhaps the worst outcome of all is a situation where mistakes aren't noticed and customers who experience poor service simply walk away without complaining and with no intention to return.So that,treat customer as boss......
This blog explains how Jake Poore, a president and founder of Integrated Loyalty Systems made customer complaints as an asset in improving and having a successful Customer service. With his knowledge and 20 years of experience in his field, he stated that having customer complaints is better than nothing to hear from them. "Complaints provides the best opportunity to fix the problem, retain loyalty,and maintain satisfaction". With his statements from this blog, I totally agree with his outlook in his work. In my own opinion, if you are in line with the customer service, you should be eager in knowing the complaints,comments, or suggestions of your customers than to have nothing. Because it simply means that your customer is concern in your business and is very responsive in what the status of your business when it comes to customer loyalty. Mr. Poore only gave he's one of the best strategy in obtaining successful Customer Service and Customer Satisfaction. He also made me realize that in business, everybody makes mistakes. So its better if your customers can cite these mistakes and informs you about it than to have them without nothing to say or comment. Remember, our world should be balance. We can't survive without hardships in life. If there are positive things that are happening to us, expect to have negative and having it doesn't mean that you should feel bad or down, it only means that you should strive harder to be successful. Commit mistakes and learn from it to be successful. In Mr. Poore's ideas, I am very happy to learn that you should expect and anticipate complaints from your customers so that you will know your mistakes and have the opportunity to change or improve it. Also, it is better if your customers leave your stores having their complaints reported to you than letting them leave as an unhappy one because they have friends and they can tell it to them leading your business to have negative issues unresolved and encouraging those people not to go to yours without even trying it! so before that could happen, its a better and advocate act to entertain your customers well and let them speak about their complaints about your service. Having this kind of strategy in customer service achieves customer loyalty and return visits in your business. I believe that Mr. Jake Poore's outlook in customer service made him famous and made him survive in the industry where customer service is the most integral matter.
As I read the story the Walt Disney Company is Became the most successful Company in the world, Jake Poore is the main subject in the story and he would like to tell to every people that most customer go or enter in the Company or even in the small business they leave the Company without experience in the good service and also don't satisfy.
Jake Poore work in the Company in 20 years and he use his own knowledge to make the Company good in the eye of all the customer. Jake Poore has became a successful in the business because he knows the right way to make the customer satisfy if they leave the Company, Then he inally get the right way how to handle the customer.
As i read the story of Jake Poore ,he was the
example person who successful in customer service while he at disney. Now he start his own company and he was the President and Founder of Integrated
Loyalty Systems a consulting firm specializing in service development, process improvement,
leadership training and service excellence.
As i conclude, customer service is very important for the success of the business.Because if you have poor customer service,mostly customer simply walk away
without complaining and with out intention to return.
Poore state that almost 70% of unhappy customers who
decide to leave your business don't write letters of complaint.
Soliciting complaint is the key to fix the problem in
dissatisfaction of customers to retain loyalty and
maintain satisfaction.We study customer service to educate us
how important it is not only in business but also in our daily lives.
As i read the story of Jake Poore, he was the
example person who successful in customer service
while he at disney.Now he start his own company
and he was the President and Founder of Integrated
Loyalty Systems a consulting firm specializing
in service development, process improvement,
leadership training and service excellence.
As i conclude, customer service is very important
for the success of the business. Because if you have poor
customer service,mostly customer simply walk away
without complaining and with out intention to return.
Poore state that almost 70% of unhappy customers who
decide to leave your business don't write letters of complaint.
Soliciting complaint is the key to fix the problem in
dissatisfaction of customers to retain loyalty and
maintain satisfaction. We study customer service to educate us
how important it is not only in business but also in our daily lives.
After I read the blog, I found out that the main topic of this article is an employee named Jake Poore and had spent 20 years in Walt Disney who specialized Customer Service and had said that "everyone makes mistakes, that's human"...
The worst outcome of the situation he concluded that "customer who experience poor service just simply walk away without complaining any.
As a customer, if I had the same case I would do the same if their service isn't satisfy me. I also found out that Jake Poore build his own business. Poor customer service is a big lost to the company. We should treat the customer as a boss, treat them well, treat them right...
After reading this article about "Customer Service and the Walt Disney Company".We all know that the Walt Disney Company is the one of the most well known of company succeeding in large measure in applying the principles of customer advocacy and "service recovery".We are all Customers, as one of it we want to be satisfied in all services in the company,specially in customer services and approaches.If the customer have a bad experience in the company she/he will not back to your company and it will lose customer, 70% unhappy customers who decided to leave the business without writing their complaint,Jake points.Customers who experience good services will remain loyal to the company.Jake Poore can be a good consulting firm specializing in service development,process improvement,leadership training and service excellence.
According to the blog i read it is a short detail`s or experience story of the Walt Disnry Company About Customer Service.And this is one of the most well known example of a company succeeding recovery.To prove thet one man name Jake Poore was spent 20 years in customer service and working on service recovery for the Walt Disney Company in Orlando and Paris for entertaining 25 to 35 million people a year.And according to hem everyone make mistakes and rectify them so that the story is now possibly better than if there were no mistakes at all.but the worst outcome of all is a situation where mistakes aren`t noticed and customers who experience the poor service simply walk away without complaining and with no intention to return and almost of the 70% of unhappy customer who decide to leave your business don`t write a letter of complaint.If you can follow these advices then there is a great chance that your company will grow and be successful someday.
After reading this article about walk Disney, it talks about the story of an employed man who named Jake Poore, he experience more than 20 years in customer service working on service recovery for the Walt Disney Company and this company is one of the most well known examples of a company succeeding in large measure by applying the principles of customer advocacy and "service recovery".
Jake poore conclude that everyone makes mistake, and the most terrible conclusion of all is a circumstances where mistakes are noticed and customers who experience poor service simply walk away without complaining and with no intent to return. He initiate away and points out that 70% of Customer are sad and choose to leave without complaining and with no intension to come back. In this situation you most give all the needs of your customer so that they fill the good customer service on your company and they assure and trusty. Jake poore has became successful business in his job in the company and build his own company and now President and Founder of Integrated Loyalty Systems, a consulting firm specializing in service development, process improvement, leadership training and service excellence.
After reading this blog I have found out that the main subject of this article is an employee named Jake Poore and had spent 20 years working in Walt Disney who specialized Customer Service, he also said that "everyone makes mistakes, that's human"..... He also concluded that "customers that experience poor service is just simply walk away without complaining.... At the end he got his own company because he was successful in his job at Walt Disney..
JAKE POORE who spent his life in 20 years working for walt disney have a wide ability on intertaining costumer service.His experience lead to correct some different errors or mistake in handling customer service so that the customer always be loyal in your company and also it would gain more customer.Every mistake has a spicefic solution and it would have a process to resolve.A good customer sevice is a good company.
JAKE POORE who spent his life in 20 years working for walt disney have a wide ability on intertaining costumer service.His experience lead to correct some different errors or mistake in handling customer service so that the customer always be loyal in your company and also it would gain more customer.Every mistake has a spicefic solution and it would have a process to resolve.A good customer sevice is a good company.
JAKE POORE who spent his life in 20 years working for walt disney have a wide ability on intertaining costumer service.His experience lead to correct some different errors or mistake in handling customer service so that the customer always be loyal in your company and also it would gain more customer.Every mistake has a spicefic solution and it would have a process to resolve.A good customer sevice is a good company.
JAKE POORE who spent his life in 20 years working for walt disney have a wide ability on intertaining costumer service.His experience lead to correct some different errors or mistake in handling customer service so that the customer always be loyal in your company and also it would gain more customer.Every mistake has a spicefic solution and it would have a process to resolve.A good customer sevice is a good company.
JAKE POORE who spent his life in 20 years working for walt disney have a wide ability on intertaining costumer service.His experience lead to correct some different errors or mistake in handling customer service so that the customer always be loyal in your company and also it would gain more customer.Every mistake has a spicefic solution and it would have a process to resolve.A good customer sevice is a good company.
JAKE POORE who spent his life in 20 years working for walt disney have a wide ability on intertaining costumer service.His experience lead to correct some different errors or mistake in handling customer service so that the customer always be loyal in your company and also it would gain more customer.Every mistake has a spicefic solution and it would have a process to resolve.A good customer sevice is a good company.
JAKE POORE who spent his life in 20 years working for walt disney have a wide ability on intertaining costumer service.His experience lead to correct some different errors or mistake in handling customer service so that the customer always be loyal in your company and also it would gain more customer.Every mistake has a spicefic solution and it would have a process to resolve.A good customer sevice is a good company.
Jake poore who spent their life in 20 years working in walt disney he find that the field of customer service have commit a different types of mistakes or errors but every errors have a specific solution by having a study process problen solution to make some customer will come back and satisfied with the service you gathered
Jake Poore was successful because of his great knowledge in understanding customers. The situation of customers who are experiencing poor service and did not give any complaints is very common. Most of these customers are unhappy and would probably share their stories to other people. The outcome will result to reduced customers. This problem may affect the establishment or the company’s reputation. Human errors cannot be avoided and it’s normal. Perhaps, if you correct this error, it would somehow change the story. Soliciting or finding your customer’s complaints is a best way of fixing the problem, retain loyalty and maintain customer satisfaction.
After i read this article that Jake Poore is an employee who spent 20 years in Walt Disney Company, specializing Customer Service. Jake said "everyone makes mistakes, that human. The worst of all sitation where mistakes aren't noticed and customer who experience poor service simply walk away without complaining and with no intention to return. If I'm one of them who encounter that situation I'm not going back that company because how they can get my loyalty if their services isn't satifying me.
after reading this the article about the walt Disney Company,it is all reaction on how to make thier customer what really feels about their services.a customer is one of the most important,so that we need to give them a good service.every mistake has a spicefic solution and it would have a process to resolve a good customer service,even though the customer is always right,so that we give a satisfaction or a good services.
As i read the story abut the success of jake poore who spent 20 years working in walt disneyin Orlando and Paris entertaining 25-35million people a year. My commemt is that every company has their own mistakes in customer servicing. But give your best to serve the customer and turn them into loyal customers so that you can have understandable earnings in your company. Because every mistakes in your company in cusromer servicing my leads you on the top...
This article seems to be very interesting because it discuss about an effective customer service. The best customer service was discovered by the Walt Disney, and no wonder why thier company last longer than the other. I really believe that those unsatisfied customers will just walk away without complaining. Really Jake was an intelligent person, he has the best idea. He turn to correct those errors which may bring problems regarding customer satisfaction.I was really impressed when Jake says don't mine the positve feedbacks, instead focus on negative responces of your customers.I think Best Customer Service is thier secret the best weapon that makes them last longer.
Let the be satisfied to meet your advocacy and to have a successful business.
first yo have to know what there's needs! If you want tour customer will satisfied for your service you have to serve them a good and better product you have to meet the exact due date the quality and quantity.
if your customer goes home mad.You to talk to them and correct your error, so by the next time they back you know their wants and demand. And be aware of what you are doing and learn your mistakes.
In business there ups and down, but you have improve your ideas or techniques to success so that you a relationship of your customer and be positive the demand of your customer. That all
The article point out that main topic of this blog is an employee named Jake Poore that had spent 20 years of worked for Walt Disney, specializing in Customer Service.
He concluded that customers who had experience poor customer service just simply away without complaining any...If I would have the same case who experienced poor customer service I would do the same thing if their service don't satisfy me.. In the end, Jake Poore succeed in building his own business.
The article shows that every Human can commit mistakes. In business we can't scape in committing mistakes, specially in servicing customer. It's very important to find all those unsatisfied customer. We need their comments, suggestions so we know where parts we are lack. What part we make something better. So we can bring to them, what they expect or needs to our company that make them satisfied. And make our company progressive.
We are all a customer and also a worker and as a customer we would like to gain our satisfaction and expectation to the company, also in working we need to give our best to give our customer good services. In this blog tell about the story of an employee named Jake Poore and he work almost 20 years in Walt Disney Company, entertaining 25-35 million people a year. Jake Poore was so successful at customer service while at Disney he went on to start his own company and is now President and Founder of Integrated Loyalty Systems, a consulting firm specializing in service development, process improvement, leadership training and service excellence.
jake notice that the worst outcome of all is a situation where mistakes aren't noticed and customers who experience poor service simply walk away without complaining and with no intention to return. If we let that situation all the business is nothing because in the business word the customer is one of the most important person to be consider, so that we need to give them a good services and satisfaction.
His point exactly is having an aggressive stand in trying to find these dissatisfied customers and try to correct their errors so that no further rumors spread, leading to more loyal customers who keep on coming back to your business. In the end, he got his own company probably because he was successful in his job at Walt Disney.
Sir lex, unsaon man pagpost sakong picture sakong permit dili man ko kabalo..nkabayad naku sir, ihatag nalang nku akong permit # sir lex No. 8905 mao na siya sir..confirm nalang sakoa sir if magkaadto ka sa skol..please sir lex ayaw lang INC akong grade..please..slamat..
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