A man who claims a right which is not his, is a tyrant. A man who has a right but does not know it, can be easily taken advantage of. A man who knows he has a right but does not exercise it, is a fence sitter who lacks civic consciousness. A man does not have a right but grabs and make use of it, is a despot

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Alphan Creed

I am an Alphan, conceived to foster brotherhood of the highest order, to elevate the art of politics; to mold the citizenry imbued with sound patriotism and of a strong moral fiber and to uphold the law of God and Man. Down form my boyish state, I was raised, shaped, reshaped and tempered by fire and water, to see the glow of manhood. As a party to a sacred convenant, I place the interest of the Alpha Pi Sigma over and above my own. As a brother of man, I live for them by their standard and ideals and vow to be a true image of God.