A man who claims a right which is not his, is a tyrant. A man who has a right but does not know it, can be easily taken advantage of. A man who knows he has a right but does not exercise it, is a fence sitter who lacks civic consciousness. A man does not have a right but grabs and make use of it, is a despot

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Framework of Feasibility Study

General Model

1. General description of the business
2. Legal aspects. To be in line with the law and regulation.
3. Social aspects. To be in line with the social environment.
4. Management aspects. Board of Directors/Incorporators, capability of the owner and
top managers and general methods of managing the business project.
5. Technical aspects. Timing, location, capacity, tools, production methods,
technology, input, employees (labor force), etc.
6. Market aspects. Market structure (Market Demand and Supply), competitors, market
target, market share and distribution (pricing), marketing strategy, advertisement,
projected sales.
7. Financial aspects. Funding, fund allocation, projected balance sheet + income
statement + cash flow, Net Present Value, IRR, BCR, etc)
8. General Conclusion